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Unter Biotechnologie - auch: technische Biochemie oder biochemische Technologie - versteht man den naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich, der Biochemie und Mikrobiologie mit den Methoden der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik und dem Apparatebau zur Produktion biotechnologischer Produkte anwendet.

Online verfügbare Informationen zur Biotechnologie.

Weitere Informationen zum Thema und ähnliche Themengebiete sowie Informationsquellen in englischer Sprache finden Sie im Menüfeld am linken Bildrand.


Allgemeine Informationen und Grundlagen

Allgemeine Informationen zur Biotechnologie; Recht; Industrie. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - [d, e]


Vorlesungsskripten und Vorlesungsmaterialien

Vorlesungsmaterialien: Einführung in die Biotechnologie für Ingenieure - [d]


Geschichtliches zum Thema / historische Dokumente

Geschichte der Bio- und Gentechnik
Eine Chronologische Zusammenstellung einiger wichtiger Ereignisse aus Forschung, Politik, Wirtschaft und Ethik. FH Stuttgart - Format: PDF - [d]


Daten und Datenbanken

At the heart of AgBiotechNet is the Agricultural Biotechnology abstracting and indexing database - [e]


Journale, Fachzeitschriften

Acta Biotechnologica
Last issue published: 2003. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

African Journal of Biotechnology
AJB publishes the most exciting research in all areas of applied biochemistry, industrial microbiology, molecular biology, genomics and proteomics, food and agricultural technologies, and metabolic engineering. Academic Journals - [e]

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
... addresses a range of topics, presenting full-length papers and mini-reviews of new and emerging products, processes and technologies. Springer - [e]

Asia Pacific Biotech News
APBN is the only directory featuring up-to-date information and a comprehensive listing of top biotechnology organizations, research institutions, companies and services in the Asia Pacific region, covering 14 countries. KH Biotech Services - [e]

Premier média d'information français et francophone dans le domaine des Sciences du vivant. Lavoisier - [f]

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
... is an international peer-reviewed forum for discussion between engineering and biological science to find efficient solutions in the development and improvement of bioprocesses. Springer - [e]

Biotechnology Advances
... is devoted to all areas of biotechnology including relevant aspects of its disciplinary underpinnings in biology, chemistry and engineering. Elsevier - [e]

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
... publishes original research papers, reviews and minireviews in biotechnology, with a focus on diagnostics, therapeutics and human healthcare. Portland Press - [e]

Biotechnology and Bioengineering
... publishes Perspectives, Articles, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, and Communications to the Editor that embrace all aspects of biotechnology. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Biotechnology Law Report
The leading authoritative journal since 1982 devoted to the evolving body of law and government regulation concerning biotechnology, particularly in the industries in which new products from these technologies are developing the most rapidly: pharmaceuticals, chemicals, agriculture, food processing, energy, mineral recovery, and waste treatment. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - [e]

Biotechnology Letters
... is the world's leading rapid-publication primary journal dedicated to biotechnology as a whole. Its focus is on topics relating to actual or potential applications of biological reactions affected by microbial, plant or animal cells and biocatalysts derived from them. Springer - [e]

Biotechnology Progress
... an official, bimonthly publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, features peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and descriptions of emerging techniques for the development and design of new processes, products, and devices for the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and bioprocess industries. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Biotechnology Techniques
1999 this journal was merged into Biotechnology Letters. Springer - [e]

BioWorld Online
The newspaper of record for the biotechnology industry. AHC Media - [e]

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
... publishes reports of new findings, techniques and developments in all aspects of biotechnology, such as genetic engineering, cell engineering, enzyme engineering, biochemical engineering, tissue engineering, biochips, bioinformatics and bioreactor and so on, provided that in each case the material is directly relevant to biotechnological systems. Elsevier - [e]

Current Opinion in Biotechnology
The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for specialists to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject. Elsevier - [e]

DNA and Cell Biology
... covers the latest research in the field of DNA and cell biology. Mary Ann Liebert - [e]

DNA Repair
... provides a forum for the comprehensive coverage of cellular responses to DNA damage in living cells. Elsevier - [e]

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
... is an open acces international scientific journal, published only in electronic format, that publishes papers from all areas related to Biotechnology - [e]

Engineering in Life Sciences
Environmental, Industrial and Agricultural BioTechnologies, and Health Care. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Enzyme and Microbial Technology
... is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research and reviews, of biotechnological significance and novelty, on basic and applied aspects of the use of enzymes, micro-organisms, animal cells and plant cells. Elsevier - [e]

Genetic Engineering News
Biotechnology from Bench to Business. Mary Ann Liebert - [e]

Iranian Journal of Biotechnology
IJB publishes original scientific research papers in the broad area of Biotechnology. Iranian National Institute Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology - [e]

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
The Journal is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge concerning fermentation technology, biochemical engineering, food technology and microbiology. Elsevier - [e]

Journal of Biotechnology
The Journal provides a medium for the rapid publication of both full-length articles and short communications on novel and innovative aspects of biotechnology. Elsevier - [e]

Journal of Nanobiotechnology
... is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of scientific and technological advances in the fields of medical, biological and nanoscale sciences. BioMed Central Ltd. - [e]

Marine Biotechnology
... welcomes high-quality research papers presenting novel data on the biotechnology of aquatic organisms. Springer - [e]

Metabolic Engineering
... is devoted to publishing original research on the targeted improvement of metabolic pathways for the production of fuels and chemicals from renewable resources. Elsevier - [e]

Molecular Engineering
2000: publication of this journal was discontinued. Springer - [e]

Nature Biotechnology
... publishes special supplements and focuses on timely topics of particular interest. Nature Publishing Group - [e]

New Biotechnology
... covers both the science of biotechnology and its surrounding political, business and financial milieu. Elsevier - [e]

Plant Biotechnology Journal
... aims to publish high-impact original research and incisive reviews by leading researchers in applied plant science, with an emphasis on molecular plant sciences and their applications through plant biotechnology. Blackwell - [e]

Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Biotekhnologiya publishes scientific articles containing experimental data and analytical reviews devoted to problems and prospects in biotechnology. Maik Nauka - [e]

Tissue Engineering
... is the authoritative peer-reviewed journal that jointly applies the principles of engineering and life sciences. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - [e]

Trends in Biotechnology
... reflects the view that biotechnology is the integrated use of many biological technologies – from molecular genetics to biochemical engineering. Elsevier - [e]

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
... publishes refereed research papers, short communications, technical communications and review articles on all aspects of applied microbiology and biotechnology, including management of culture collections, foodstuffs and biological control agents. Springer - [e]



Universität Halle
Dissertationen im Bereich Biochemie/Biotechnologie. Universität Halle - [d]


Institute und Foschungseinrichtungen

Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie. RWTH Aachen - [d, e]

Institut für Biotechnologie. TU Berlin - [d]

Institut für Mikrobiologie & Biotechnologie. Universität Bonn - [d, e]

Institut für Molekulare Physiologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen, IMBIO. Universität Bonn - [d, e]

Lehrstuhl Biotechnologie der Wasseraufbereitung. Universität Cottbus - [d]

Lehrstuhl für Biotechnik. TU Dortmund - [d, e]

Institut für Marine Biotechnologie e.V. - [e]

Institut für Biochemie und Biotechnologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle- Wittenberg - [d]

Institut für Pharmazie und Molekulare Biotechnologie. Universität Heidelberg - [d]

Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Biotechnologie des Abwassers, IBA. Universität Karlsruhe - [d, e]

Biotechnologie Institut Thurgau. Konstanz, Schweiz - [d]

Sächsisches Institut für Angewandte Biotechnologie e.V.. Universität Leipzig - [d, e, es]

Lehrstuhl für Biotechnologie. TU München - [d]

Institut für Biochemie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen. Universität Münster - [d, e]

Lehrstuhl für Biotechnologie. Universität Potsdam - [d, e, es]

Institut für Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie. Universität des Saarlandes - [d, e]

Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik. Universität Stuttgart - [d]

Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Universität Ulm - [e]


Organisationen, Verbände

Internationale Fachmesse für Biotechnologie - [d, e]

Biotechnologische Studenteninitiative e.V.
Initiative zur Intensivierung des Kontaktes zwischen Universität und freier Wirtschaft - [d]

Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e. V. - [d, e]

Deutsche Industrievereinigung Biotechnologie
Die DIB ist die Biotechnologie-Vereinigung des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie e.V. (VCI) und seiner Fachverbände - [d]

The European Association for Bioindustries - [e]

European Federation of Biotechnology
EFB is the non-profit association of Learned Societies, Universities, Institutes, Companies and Individuals interested in the promotion of Biotechnology throughout Europe and beyond - [e]

Fachbereich Biotechnologie - [d]

Verein Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen
VÖLB - [d]

Vereinigung deutscher Biotechnologie-Unternehmen
VBU - [d, e]


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Biotechnologie, Biochemie, Theorie, Anwendungen, Informationen, Lehre, Forschung
15.03.2012 00:00:00 [Überprüfung der Links]
14.09.2013 [Änderung der Seite]

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Benutzerdefinierte Suche

Literatur- und Buchempfehlungen zum Thema Biotechnologie:


William J. Thieman, Michael A. Palladino, Thomas Lazar


Dies ist das erste Lehrbuch der Biotechnologie, das eine umfassende Darstellung biotechnologischer Grundlagen und Methoden mit den praxisrelevanten Aspekten des Faches verbindet. Die Autoren führen in alle wichtigen Fachrichtungen ein: Mikrobiologie, Pflanzen- und Tierbiotechnologie, Forensik, aquatische und medizinische Biotechnologie. In jedem Kapitel werden zudem Fragen der Zukunftsperspektive, der Berufsfelder und Karrierechancen sowie der ethischen und gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz der Biotechnologie diskutiert. Diese integrative Präsentation regt die Leser dazu an, den Lernstoff nicht nur zu konsumieren, sondern sich aktiv und kritisch mit ihm auseinanderzusetzen. Übungsaufgaben, Hinweise zur weiterführenden Lektüre, aktuelle Links zur biotechnoloischen Forschung und Industrie sowie ein ausführliches Glossar runden jedes Kapitel ab und machen das Lehrbuch zu einem optimalen Einstieg in das perspektivenreiche Fach für Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.

Pearson Studium; 2007

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